Ikea Hack: Another Bare Bulb Gets A Lamp Shade

New Site | Planq Studio

This post has moved to my new site at Planq Studio. Please visit me there to find out how to make this fun project and get inspiration for loads of other projects too!

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  1. That looks great both with the light on and off. Good job. I wish I had more incentive to make stuff from scratch like that!

  2. Haha… sometimes I think I create more work for myself than necessary. In this scenario, I just couldn’t find a sconce shade to fit the light fixture no matter how hard I looked, so I had to DIY it!

  3. Great work, I wish I was able to make anything useful! The most I can manage is very holey scarves!

  4. I’m sure that’s not true! Follow my blog and I can show you some great tutorials. Then you’ll gain the confidence to make anything you want! PS. I can’t make holey scarves. Yet. ~M.

  5. Thanks for the great tutorial. What a neat project!

  6. Very clever! The step-by-step instructions will be useful for any similar projects I undertake.

  7. Thank you! I’m glad you found it helpful. ~M.

  8. Thanks! Let me know what sort of projects you come up with using this tutorial. ~M.

  9. Great job!!! Looks so good. You have a great eye for repurposing…

  10. Aw, thanks, Uyen! I really enjoy it, so I’m very pleased to hear others have taken notice of my efforts. ~M.

  11. juggling5monkeys

     /  May 10, 2013

    Great idea! I would love to see how this project fit in with the styling of the rest of the room. I also appreciate the ‘cost of project” tip at the end, at a glance you can consider if this is something to do right away or save for later.

  12. Thank you! I find when reading other blogs that I’m always curious to know how much they spent on their project as I’m such a cost conscious person. Makes me wonder if DIY is worth it for that project, so I made a special point to note it in my blog so others might be able to benefit from it as well. I’m glad to know you appreciate my extra effort in keeping track of my pennies. =)

    As for the room styling: this lamp was designed for my pantry, which you can have a tour at this link here: https://redesignedbym.wordpress.com/2013/03/22/pantry-makeover/ Hope that satisfies your curiosity! ~M.

  13. Katrina@juggling5monkeys

     /  May 20, 2013

    Fits great in your pantry space. You ARE lucky to have a pantry. I am still dreaming of one in a future home. You fit a lot of practical and cute in that small space. Nice!

  14. Thank you so much! I still love that little room. ~M.

  15. This is such a clever idea, you must have some imagination to come up with a solution like this. Great job!

  16. Thanks so much! I’m not sure if I’m very imaginative in the whole grand scheme of things, but I know I love to create, so I just keep my eyes and my mind open at all times. ~M.

  17. Thanks for likeing my diy post at “theworminmyapple.com”. Looking forward to reding more of yours.

  18. This is such a clever idea! We are big fans of people making their own lampshades, but your take on that is super creative. Nice job, the finished product looks so pretty!

  19. Thank you so much! ~M.

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