The New Way To Organize Your Dresser

How do you put away your shirts?  If you’re like the majority of the world, you’re piling them into the drawers, leaving you to rummage through the stacks when you’re looking for “that one shirt.”  This is Mr. M.  He’s always asking me if I’ve seen “that one shirt.”  Well, he used to!  Not anymore since I’ve implemented the new way to store his [ahem, our] shirts.

Fellow organizers, welcome to the world of FILING your shirts!


Now, Mr. M can see all his shirts at a glance and let me tell you, these drawers are kept so much neater than they used to be.  I no longer have to open up his drawers on laundry day and spend an extra five or ten minutes to refold the shirts that got unfolded from rummaging through the stacks.  Filing our clothes also allows us to store MORE clothes in a drawer.  All our drawers utilize this filing method, from underwear to sweatpants to sweaters.  If you love to organize as much as I do, you’ll understand the peace of mind I feel at seeing these well-folded drawers.


I also implemented a folding board, a concept popularly used in retail clothing shops, to fold our shirts.  This helps to keep the shirts consistently sized and maximizes the use of the drawers, so not an inch of space is wasted.  Because my clothes are smaller than Mr. M’s, I fold my clothes smaller than his and therefore, need a separate folding board.  These boards were fashioned from one Ikea DRÄLLA cutting board.


This cutting board is bendable, which made it easy for me to cut into the appropriate sizes, yet sturdy enough for the shirts to fold around.


When the shirt is folded, it is the exact same size as the folding board.  Now, all our shirts are folded the same sizes and Mr. M doesn’t have to guess at how to fold his shirts!  Isn’t it wonderful when you can get your husband to do something for himself?

What do you think of this?  Did I inspire you to refold all your drawers this weekend?


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  1. How do you get them in a drawer without the whole system collapsing on itself? Or do you buy lots of boards and leave them in for stability? Love the idea!

  2. No boards are left behind! When you first start the new filing system, it is best to fold a stack of clothes, then transfer into the drawer a stack at a time to avoid collapsing. As you take out a shirt, the other shirts remain standing. Hope that explanation makes sense and helps! ~M.

  3. Makes perfect sense! Thanks 🙂

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